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4 Slovenia Unique new Experiences ✈️ Noticias de Eslovenia

Autor: Oficinas-Turismo Fecha: Domingo, 31 Octubre, 2021 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos) Noticias de Viajes > Eslovenia

4 new experiences have been added to the Slovenia Unique Experiences collection: "Yummy Market Walk" at the Ljubljana market, "Fish&Fly Trio" – fly fishing on three rivers, "Meet Meat & Eat" at Kodila in Markišavci, and "Sound of holidays" in Bodešče. There are already 21 experiences in the collection.

4 Slovenia Unique new Experiences

The selected experiences fulfil Slovenia's promise and position as a green boutique destination for 5-star experiences. Take a look at the inspiring stories and incorporate them into your journey of discovering Slovenia.

Yummy Market Walk
The urban experience of the Ljubljana market as a central city hub is boutique and authentic, as it is based on a personalized, local experience. While walking around the market, accompanied by a local guide, who reveals the most interesting stories of Plečnik's market and shows hidden corners, you taste fresh seasonal delicacies produced by local farmers from the vicinity of Ljubljana. Finish your visit to the market with a delicious, fresh and local breakfast at the market place. ...rket-walk/

4 Slovenia Unique new Experiences (1)

Fish & Fly Trio
The Fish & Fly Trio product follows the principles of the boutique and highly profitable segment of fishing tourism. It is a unique experience of fly fishing, which takes place on three Slovenian rivers (Kolpa, Krka and Soča) according to the 'catch and release' principle and the catch of three different fish species (grayling, brown and marble trout). It connects fishing guides, accommodation and gastronomy providers of three destinations, while dispersing tourist flows from more besieged alpine to less exploited karst rivers. The product with great market potential stands out since it offers the experience of three different fishing destinations. In addition, the guest is transported by helicopter between individual locations and sleeps and tastes the local delicacies of three different destinations. ...-slovenia/

4 Slovenia Unique new Experiences (2)

Meet Meat and Eat
For the last twenty years, Janko Kodila has been connecting top Pomurje providers from the left and right banks of the Mura River through various products, including Gourmet over Mura. The Meet Meat & Eat product is an experiential experience of the Kodila culinary centre in Markišavci. By visiting the ripening room of Prekmurje ham, one gets an insight into the technological process of meat maturation and learns the difference between the Krškopolje and Mangalica breeds. With the master chef, one walks to the house field, which is cultivated together with organic, social farm Korenika. This is followed by baking grilled meat delicacies and tasting meat and excellent vegetarian dishes.

Sound of Holidays
Sound of holidays is an interpretation of cultural heritage, folk tradition, old customs and habits, folk singing, dancing and music of our ancestors. By showing the various holidays in the year, i.e. all four seasons, the product also contributes to the deseasonalisation of the tourist offer nearby Bled. The event takes place at Sodar's homestead, a more than 500-year-old house in Bodešče. Participants can join the artists for traditional dances and feel the festivities spirit of Gorenjska, while also getting to know the clothing image from Prešeren's time, tasting local delicacies and listening to village stories.

Information facilitated by Fecha: 31/Oct/2021 - 22:41:14 (4649 Lecturas) Puntos: 4 (2 votos)

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New Traveller
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Fecha: Jue Ago 31, 2023 11:10 am    Título: Ruta por Alpes Julianos

Hola, vamos a ir del 11 al 15 de octubre a visitar Eslovenia. El aeropuerto al que llegamos es Klagenfurt (Austria) y hemos pensado irnos a Kransjka Gora y alojarnos dos días por la zona. Luego estamos algo perdidos. También nos gustaría visitar Logarska Dolina, pero prefiero que me digáis en esos 4 días qué ruta sería la mejor. No queremos visitar la capital, solo queremos naturaleza y pueblos pintorescos.
Me encantaría que me dijérais rutas para hacer y alojamientos.
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Moderador de Diarios
Mensajes: 16599

Fecha: Jue Ago 31, 2023 04:42 pm    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

@maolmos, te traigo al hilo que ya tenemos para Eslovenia.
Supongo que lo de escandinavos para referirte a los Julianos fue un desliz Guiño
Nosotros hicimos el trayecto al revés, de Eslovenia pasamos a Carintia en Austria y nuevamente a Eslovenia. Puedes verlo en nuestro diario.

En el Foro de Eslovenia tienes distintos hilos de tu interés.
Silver Traveller
Silver Traveller
Mensajes: 22

Fecha: Jue Ago 31, 2023 05:47 pm    Título: Re: Ruta por Alpes Julianos Escandinavos

Hola Maolmos. Cerca de Kranjska Gora hay bastante naturaleza:
- Esta la reserva natural Zelenci (entrada y aparcamiento gratuito). Si solo veis el lago, entonces es una visita muy rápida. Pero había varios senderos, que no sé si valen la pena porque no los recorrí.
- También está la cascada Pericnik (entrada gratuita, aparcamiento 5€).
- Si os alejáis un poco, a unos 40 minutos en coche de Kranjska Gora tenéis la Garganta Vintgar (aparcamiento 7 o 10€, entrada 10€). Eso sí, son unos 25 minutos de Garganta y una vez terminado, más de una hora de vuelta por otro...  Leer más ...
New Traveller
New Traveller
Mensajes: 2

Fecha: Vie Sep 01, 2023 12:06 pm    Título: Re: Ruta por Alpes Julianos ✈️ Foro Grecia y Balcanes

Me informaré de eso de las inundaciones. A ver si alguien me puede ayudar. Gracias!
Moderador de Diarios
Moderador de Diarios
Mensajes: 16599

Fecha: Sab Sep 02, 2023 07:55 am    Título: Re: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas

@maolmos, tienes info y enlaces óbrela situación aquí, en los últimos mensajes:

Solčava: Logarska Dolina, Robanov y Matkov kot - Eslovenia
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