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68909 : Magui1978 01 Dec 24 - 17:48 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Magui1978: HOLA, ME GUSTARIA HACER UNA EXCURSION DESDE LA SPEZIA A FLORENCIA Y PISA, VOY EN EL MSC SEAVIEW EN AGOSTO, ME RECOMENDAIS ALGUNA AGENCIA DE VIAJES?
68908 : castaño 29 Nov 24 - 18:44 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | castaño: hola,cuidado a la gente que alquile coche en LOCAUTO FUIMICINO ROMA, a la devolucion del coche, os cobran por supuetos daños en el coche, a todos los extranjeros usan malas practicas.
68907 : castaño 29 Nov 24 - 18:41 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | castaño: como escribo comentario en un foro determinado
68906 : sabrinasos_2024 26 Nov 24 - 15:54 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | sabrinasos_2024: Hola! les comparto un video para atraer viajes perfectos! amo las afirmaciones positivas:
68905 : Puka2021 23 Nov 24 - 22:30 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Puka2021: Alguien sabe que vale entrar al spa de un crucero de msc preziosa?
68904 : Richi1970 23 Nov 24 - 17:18 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Richi1970: Hola.Dispongo de dos billetes AVE Valencia Burgos,para el próximo 2 de Diciembre por imposibilidad de viajar.Lo vendo por 50 euros los dos
68903 : paularsanchez8 07 Nov 24 - 22:00 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | paularsanchez8: Hola buenas noches!!! Este invierno quiero ir a Nueva York en Navidad pero no sé cuál sería la mejor zona para alojarme...alguna recomendación???graciass
68902 : Pedomoyes 28 Oct 24 - 18:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Pedomoyes: Hola buenas tardes el dia 7 salimos desde Madrid hacia Mexico a hacer una ruta de 13 días con la agencia Tierras Mayas, viaje México y la península de Yucatán, si hubiera alguien más que hiciera este viaje, nos gustaría contactar con ellos, somos 4 personas de entre los 69 a 75 años, viajamos desde Barcelona, a ver si alguien coincide, un saludo
68901 : Remonta2018 28 Oct 24 - 13:45 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Remonta2018: Hola. Estoy elaborando mi primer diario de viajes, pero tengo dos preguntas que no sé resover. Si alguno me pudiera orientar se lo agradecería. La primera es cómo puedo reducir el formato de una foto para que no salga tan grande; y la segunda, cómo se puede girar la foto para que salga bien, como en el original, una vez insertada en el texto. Gracias..
68900 : angelica4 27 Oct 24 - 18:48 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | angelica4: Hola, por que no me deja leer los diarios completos? gracias
68899 : spainsun 23 Oct 24 - 21:00 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | spainsun: Ya lo tienes solucionado.
68898 : VelvetClit 17 Oct 24 - 14:27 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | VelvetClit: el filtro de la web me ha bloqueado el perfil, necesito un moderador, por favor
68897 : VelvetClit 17 Oct 24 - 11:42 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | VelvetClit: el filtro de la web me ha bloqueado el perfil, necesito un moderador, por favor
68896 : VelvetClit 17 Oct 24 - 11:29 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | VelvetClit: HOLA COMO PUEDO CONTACTAR CON UN MODERADOR? GRACIAS
68895 : argencolo 08 Oct 24 - 21:36 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | argencolo: hola como estan, quiero saber si hay alguien que pueda guiarme, quiero viajar del aeropuerto de Londres, Heathrow a Paddington cual seria el metodo mas barato
68894 : Karikato4 05 Oct 24 - 13:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Karikato4: Hola alguien sabe como se pide el certificado de desempleado en Andalucía?
68893 : Karikato4 05 Oct 24 - 13:10 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Karikato4: Hola alguien sabe como se pide el certificado de desempleado en Andalucía?
68892 : bertasabal_2024 03 Oct 24 - 15:35 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | bertasabal_2024: Viaje egipto,alguien viaja con descapada del 18 al 25 de octubre 2024?
68891 : jcgdpozo 30 Sep 24 - 18:41 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jcgdpozo: Hola estoy probando el foro
68890 : hectorbilbao 25 Sep 24 - 18:38 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | hectorbilbao: ¿Alguien sabe por que no me actualiza la web con Mozilla y si con Chrome? Uso mozilla para todo, si alguien sabe como solucionarlo se lo agradecería. Gracias de antemano.
68889 : mireyacruz_2024 03 Sep 24 - 12:44 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | mireyacruz_2024: Buenos días, me han robado el carnet de conducir y viajo mañana a las azores portugal, isla de sao miguel alguien quiere compartir ? si es asi podeis hablarme por instagram mireyacruz89
68888 : mireyacruz_2024 03 Sep 24 - 12:42 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | mireyacruz_2024: Compartir coche en las azores
68887 : Maarimar 02 Sep 24 - 22:51 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Maarimar: Hola!! Estoy buscando compañer@s para el Granada Sound, soy una chica de 28 años de Málaga, que le gustaría conocer gente nueva para el festival!! Alguien interesado ??
68886 : Maarimar 02 Sep 24 - 22:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Maarimar: Hola!! Estoy buscando compañer@s para el Granada Sound, soy una chica de 28 años de Málaga, que le gustaría conocer gente nueva para el festival!! Alguien interesado ??
68885 : carlos2323 27 Aug 24 - 10:07 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | carlos2323: Conoceis un teléfono en España de Aerolienas Argentinas que no sea el 900955747 (esta desactivado) o el 914544000 que no lo cogen?
68884 : MariolaVG 26 Aug 24 - 22:03 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | MariolaVG: Horario bus Santiago a Sarria Hola a todos me sorprende ver que solo encuentro un bus diario de Santiago a Sarria que sale a las 11 y llega a las 13 horas, eso me hace perder un día entero de caminar. Conocéis alguna otra combinación??? Gracias
68883 : peresacris 21 Aug 24 - 09:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | peresacris: Hola, acabo de darme de alta, os quiero preguntar al respecto de mi próximo viaje en octubre, Praga o Estambul , 6 días. Gracias.
68881 : maribeldia_2024 13 Aug 24 - 09:33 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | maribeldia_2024: Hola estoy en la parte Central de la India, con la empresa de Dhanraj. Un viaje de 45 días, que por desgracia, de me está acabando. Todo el tiempo ha estado conmigo. Una experiencia increíble e inolvidable. Volveré en 2036 para ver el Sur y Nepal, desde luego con Dhanraj y la gente que trabaja con él.
68880 : FinaEspaña85 11 Aug 24 - 15:09 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | FinaEspaña85: Hola buenas, algún viaje interesante previsto.por ahí?
68879 : EnriqueSY29 06 Aug 24 - 21:09 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | EnriqueSY29: cómo escribo una queja en un foro y cuántos caracteres máximos se pueden anotar?
68878 : pecus314 06 Aug 24 - 13:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | pecus314: Hola, ¿alguien puede facilitarme el contacto directo con Bastien, de Casa Vanha, en Sto Tomé? Muchas gracias.
68877 : Antonioromero1971 06 Aug 24 - 13:17 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Antonioromero1971: Si alguien me contesta por favor lo podría hacer por privado? Gracias
68876 : Antonioromero1971 06 Aug 24 - 13:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Antonioromero1971: Buenos días, a ver si alguien me puede ayudar, tenía contratado un crucero ( el celebrity infinity) para el día 3 pero no he podido hacerlo por culpa de la naviera, me dejaron tirado en roma los aviones que había contratado con ellos, que puedo hacer?
68875 : Antonioromero1971 06 Aug 24 - 13:14 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Antonioromero1971: Buenos dias
68874 : Antonioromero1971 06 Aug 24 - 13:12 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Antonioromero1971: Buenos días
68873 : ISABEL2024 01 Aug 24 - 19:01 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | ISABEL2024: necesito saber como escribir un relato de un viaje
68872 : kaballo 30 Jul 24 - 16:06 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | kaballo: hola, ¿algún administrador me puede contactar por privado por favor?, lo he intentado en la sección de contactos y no contestan. Gracias
68871 : jjsb930219_2024 28 Jul 24 - 18:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jjsb930219_2024:
68870 : jjsb930219_2024 28 Jul 24 - 18:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jjsb930219_2024: ESTA PAGINA SE LE PUEDE COPRAR DE TODO A SUS FAMILIARES EN CUBA Y SE LES ENVIA GRATIS.
68869 : jjsb930219_2024 28 Jul 24 - 18:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jjsb930219_2024: