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Travel to Thailand ✈️ Noticias de Tailandia

Autor: greg34 Fecha: Viernes, 15 Agosto, 2008 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos) Noticias de Viajes > Tailandia

With over six million foreigners flying into the country each year, Thailand has become Asia's primary holiday destination and is a useful and popular first stop on any overland journey through Southeast Asia. The influx of tourist cash has played a significant part in the country's recent development, yet Thailand's cultural integrity remains largely undamaged.

In this country of fifty-three million people, over ninety percent are practising Theravada Buddhists, and King Bhumibol is a revered figure across his nation. Tiered temple rooftops and saffron-robed monks dominate every vista, and, though some cities and beach resorts are characterized by high-rises and neon lights, the typical Thai community is the traditional farming village: ninety percent of Thais still earn their living from the land.

Travel to Thailand

Most journeys start in Bangkok. Thailand's huge, noisy, polluted capital can be an overwhelming introduction to Southeast Asia, but there are traveller-oriented guesthouses aplenty here, and heaps of spectacular temples to visit. It's also the best place for arranging onward travel and visas for neighbouring countries. A popular side-trip from the city takes in the raft houses of Kanchanaburi, the infamous site of the Bridge over the River Kwai. After Bangkok, most travellers head north, sometimes via the ancient capitals of Ayutthaya and Sukhothai , to the enjoyably laid-back city of Chiang Mai , where they organize treks to nearby hilltribe villages. There's tranquil countryside in bucketloads up in the northern highlands around Mae Hong Son and along the Mekong River in Thailand's northeast (Isaan), where you can stay in village guesthouses and hop across the border into Laos. The northeast is the least visited area of Thailand, but holds two fine ancient Khmer ruins at Phimai and Phanom Rung, and the country's most popular national park, Khao Yai.

After trekking and rural relaxation, most visitors want to head for the beach - and Thailand's eastern and southern coasts are lined with gorgeous white-sand shores, aquamarine seas and kaleidoscopic reefs. The most popular of these are the east coast backpackers' resorts of Ko Samet and Ko Chang, the Gulf Coast islands of Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan and Ko Tao, and the Andaman coast idylls of Laem Phra Nang, Ko Phi Phi, Ko Lanta and Ko Tarutao. The southern island of Phuket and the east coast resort of Pattaya are more expensive, package-tour oriented spots. In the deep south, Thailand merges almost seamlessly with Malaysia, and there are plenty of border crossing points here; the city of Hat Yai in particular offers convenient long-distance bus and rail links to many Malaysian towns. Getting into Cambodia overland is not so easy, but there are two crossings currently open, Poipet and Trat.

The climate of most of Thailand is governed by three seasons: rainy (roughly June to October), caused by the southwest monsoon; cool (November to February); and hot (March to May). The cool season is the pleasantest time to visit and the most popular. Christmas is peak season, when accommodation gets booked way ahead and prices rise significantly. In the hot season, temperatures can rise to 40°C. The rainy season hits the Andaman coast (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi) harder than anywhere else in the country - heavy rainfall usually starts in May and persists at the same level until October. The Gulf coast (Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan and Ko Tao) gets hardly any rain between June and September, but is hit by the northeast monsoon, which brings rain between October and January. This area also suffers less from the southwest monsoon, getting a relatively small amount of rain. Fecha: 15/Ago/2008 - 09:20:10 (8270 Lecturas) Puntos: 4 (2 votos)

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Silver Traveller
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Fecha: Dom Sep 10, 2023 06:40 pm    Título: Re: Ayuda viaje a Tailandia

Hola a todos;
Estoy pensando ir a Tailandia en Noviembre, iré uno 8-10 días y quería recorrer alguna parte del pais en moto por mi cuenta, como lo veis? No soy especialmente de playas, prefiero la montaña.
Como lo veis?
Se puede volar a Bangcok y desde allí alquilar la moto y empezar viaje?
Alguna recomendación? veo que hay viajes organizados pero valen una pasta, y creo que Tailandia es un pais muy seguro y no creo que tenga problema pero no lo conozco y me gustaria que alguien que lo conozca me pueda ayudar.
Muchas gracias
Willy Fog
Willy Fog
Mensajes: 14246

Fecha: Dom Sep 10, 2023 06:53 pm    Título: Re: Ayuda viaje a Tailandia

Tailandia es muy seguro. Puedes viajar sol@ sin problema. Además, es muy fácil de organizar por tu cuenta, como dices, mucho más económico que hacerlo con agencia.
Moderador de Zona
Moderador de Zona
Mensajes: 22647

Fecha: Dom Sep 10, 2023 07:08 pm    Título: Re: Ayuda viaje a Tailandia

De tema moto no te sé decir, quizá alquilarla para recorridos alrededor de Chiang Mai por ej, pero para moverte en general por el país yo usaría bus o avión, 8 días es poco, si puedes estira un poco más.

Eso sí, viaja por libre y si necesitas contratar mejor agencias locales.
Moderador America
Moderador America
Mensajes: 14971

Fecha: Dom Sep 10, 2023 07:18 pm    Título: Re: Ayuda viaje a Tailandia

Puedes echar un ojo al Mae Hong Son Loop, en el norte de Tailandia (desde Chiang Mai, como te indica Indialuna).
Super Expert
Super Expert
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Fecha: Dom Sep 10, 2023 10:40 pm    Título: Re: Ayuda viaje a Tailandia

Mae Hong Son Loop lo hice el pasado mes de diciembre. Alquilé la moto en Chiang Mai por 7 días.
Es una ruta muy chula tanto por los paisajes como por los pueblecitos por los que se pasa.
Ahora... Curvas.. En total creo que son unas 1.400.
Si te animas, no te arrepentirás
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