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Hungary / Hungria
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Galería de Fotos de Hungria - Photo Gallery of Hungary

Pag. 1 de 4

 Galería de Fotos de Hungria: Budapest, puentes, el rio Danubio, Lago Balaton, Catedral de Esztergom
Pictures of Hungary: Budapest, Buda District, Pest, Danube River, brigges.. Esztergom Cathedral, Lake Balaton

  Total Fotos: 32   Pag. Indice << 1 2 3 4 >>
Ir a Foto: El palacio de la emperatriz Sisi -Hungria 
Go to Photo: Godollo Palace - Hungary   El palacio de la emperatriz Sisi -Hungria
Godollo Palace - Hungary

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: El nombre de Palacio Godollo, no suele decir nada, si no se asocia al de su famosa huesped. El palacio está a unos 35 Km de la capital.
  Elisabeth spent many happy summer retreats in this baroque palace. The palace is about 35 Km of distance from the capital.
Ir a Foto: Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria 
Go to Photo: Royal Palace -Budapest- Hungary   Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria
Royal Palace -Budapest- Hungary

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: El palacio desde la otra orilla del rio. El castillo posse una mezcla de estilos desde Gótico a Barroco. Actualmente alberga numerosos museos: Museo de Historia de Budapest, Gallería Nacional, Biblioteca Nacional y el Museo Ludwig.
  The castle has a mixture of architectural styles, ranging from Gothic to Baroque. Today it is the country's most important cultural centre housing numerous museums: Budapest History Museum, Hungarian National Gallery, the National Library and the Ludwig Museum.
Ir a Foto: Jardines del Palacio Real - Budapest 
Go to Photo: Royal Palace Garden - Budapest   Jardines del Palacio Real - Budapest
Royal Palace Garden - Budapest

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: Los jardines del Palacio Real son otro atractivo del complejo, donde se puede tener un merecido descanso.
  You can take a relaxing break in the Royal Palace Gardens.
Ir a Foto: Palacio Gresham -Budapest- Hungria 
Go to Photo: Gresham palace - Budapest - Hungary   Palacio Gresham -Budapest- Hungria
Gresham palace - Budapest - Hungary

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: Este edificio Art Nouveau ha sido transformado en un moderno y lujoso hotel, situado en la plaza Roosevelt.
  This Art Nouveau landmark, was transformed into a modern an luxury Hotel. It is located in Roosevelt Square.
Ir a Foto: Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría 
Go to Photo: Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary   Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría
Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: Este museo esta alojado en un edificio de 1906 y alberga interesantes colecciones de pintura, escultura, Egipto, etc.
  The Museum is located in a building of 1906 an it has more than 100,000 artefacts. These are some interesting collections: the Ancient Egyptian, the Antiquities, the Old Picture Gallery, the Old Sculpture, the Modern Department and Prints and Drawings.
Ir a Foto: Ayuntamiento viejo -Budapest 
Go to Photo: Old Town Hall -Budapest   Ayuntamiento viejo -Budapest
Old Town Hall -Budapest

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: Situado frente en la plaza de la Trinidad junto a la Iglesia de San Matías.
  It located in Szentháromság (Holy Trinity) Square, next to Matthias Church.
Ir a Foto: Iglesia - Hungría 
Go to Photo: Church - Hungary   Iglesia - Hungría
Church - Hungary

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: Igelia en Hungría.
  Church in Hungary.
Ir a Foto: iglesia Calvinista -Budapest- Hungría 
Go to Photo: Calvinist Church -Budapest- Hungary   iglesia Calvinista -Budapest- Hungría
Calvinist Church -Budapest- Hungary

  Author: N. Quiros
  Text: Contruida en estilo neogótico en el siglo XIX, es obra del arquitecto húngaro József Hild
  Built in neo-Gothic style in the nineteenth century, the four-columned great porch, the organ loft and the pulpit are all the work of the Hungarian architect József Hild.
  Total Fotos: 32   Pag. Indice << 1 2 3 4 >>

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