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Estadísticas Diarias para Noviembre, 2023
FechaImpresiones de Página
185268 (6.021%)
278489 (5.542%)
380605 (5.691%)
484020 (5.932%)
583345 (5.885%)
635764 (2.525%)
746528 (3.285%)
827064 (1.911%)
929515 (2.084%)
1031774 (2.243%)
1129940 (2.114%)
1228638 (2.022%)
1330967 (2.186%)
1425743 (1.817%)
1543033 (3.038%)
1627265 (1.925%)
1729474 (2.081%)
1838804 (2.740%)
1933600 (2.372%)
2033991 (2.400%)
2160082 (4.242%)
2268172 (4.813%)
2361743 (4.359%)
2450140 (3.540%)
2560443 (4.268%)
2638435 (2.714%)
2729416 (2.077%)
2829799 (2.104%)
2964114 (4.527%)
3049981 (3.529%)

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