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Estadísticas Diarias para Septiembre, 2021
FechaImpresiones de Página
1417629 (3.029%)
2414547 (3.007%)
3413716 (3.001%)
4366619 (2.659%)
5383311 (2.780%)
6394856 (2.864%)
7384602 (2.790%)
8390552 (2.833%)
9379094 (2.750%)
10394248 (2.860%)
11351900 (2.552%)
12355950 (2.582%)
13354189 (2.569%)
14377546 (2.738%)
15392946 (2.850%)
16508365 (3.687%)
17577415 (4.188%)
18467563 (3.391%)
19401762 (2.914%)
20547820 (3.974%)
21607494 (4.407%)
22528604 (3.834%)
23530532 (3.848%)
24532603 (3.863%)
25595963 (4.323%)
26575037 (4.171%)
27633532 (4.596%)
28489841 (3.553%)
29625228 (4.535%)
30390917 (2.835%)

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