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Estadísticas por Horas para Diciembre 9, 2010
Hora Impresiones de Página
00:00 - 00:5923347 (3.533%)
01:00 - 01:5922066 (3.339%)
02:00 - 02:596187 (0.936%)
03:00 - 03:5924105 (3.648%)
04:00 - 04:5917887 (2.707%)
05:00 - 05:5922724 (3.439%)
06:00 - 06:5936863 (5.578%)
07:00 - 07:5929060 (4.397%)
08:00 - 08:5939941 (6.044%)
09:00 - 09:5921051 (3.185%)
10:00 - 10:5940518 (6.131%)
11:00 - 11:5935166 (5.321%)
12:00 - 12:5932924 (4.982%)
13:00 - 13:5931054 (4.699%)
14:00 - 14:5926111 (3.951%)
15:00 - 15:5926504 (4.011%)
16:00 - 16:5928705 (4.344%)
17:00 - 17:5928721 (4.346%)
18:00 - 18:5928645 (4.335%)
19:00 - 19:5929272 (4.429%)
20:00 - 20:5928857 (4.367%)
21:00 - 21:5925161 (3.807%)
22:00 - 22:5923619 (3.574%)
23:00 - 23:5932280 (4.885%)

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