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Estadísticas Diarias para Septiembre, 2007
FechaImpresiones de Página
1208751 (2.804%)
2227807 (3.060%)
3272722 (3.663%)
4334438 (4.492%)
5279535 (3.755%)
6272566 (3.661%)
7258991 (3.479%)
8214671 (2.883%)
9206772 (2.777%)
10268171 (3.602%)
11261606 (3.514%)
12278042 (3.735%)
13265846 (3.571%)
14240418 (3.229%)
15196114 (2.634%)
16215609 (2.896%)
17255615 (3.433%)
18262794 (3.530%)
19254796 (3.422%)
20268311 (3.604%)
21242115 (3.252%)
22181006 (2.431%)
23199441 (2.679%)
24254151 (3.414%)
25270113 (3.628%)
26277171 (3.723%)
27281177 (3.777%)
28257355 (3.457%)
29212304 (2.851%)
30225762 (3.032%)

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