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Cambodia About a Country or Place

Battambang Province. Camboya

Posted by Yennefer on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 (01:18:14) (5676 reads)

The name Battambang literally means “lost staff”, referring to an episode in Khmer history when King Dambang Kranhoung threw his wooden staff from Angkor and it was said t ohave landed here in Battambang, This commemorated by a huge black statue with a staff on a ceremonial tray, in honour of the staff-throwing king, erected in the center of town.

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Slovenia AdventuresTravels

February and March: Peak of winter sport cheering in Slovenia

Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Thursday, February 05, 2015 (21:05:25) (3821 reads)

In February and March, Slovenia will be hosting numerous world competitions. Join the plenitude of fans and cheer our favourites on! The Golden Fox is scheduled to take place on 21 and 22 February, while the Vitranc Cup is scheduled to unfold on 14 and 15 March. The World Cup finals in ski jumping will be held between 19 and 22 March...

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New Zealand Eventos

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015

Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Thursday, February 05, 2015 (20:53:39) (3794 reads)

One of the world’s most anticipated sporting events, the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, kicks off next week and will see New Zealand broadcast live to a global audience of a billion people. New Zealand is co-hosting the tournament alongside Australia with the opening ceremony to be held in Christchurch on 12 February.

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Norway Eventos

Winter festivals and events in Norway

Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 (01:24:40) (4931 reads)

Winter in Norway can be a busy time for visitors, with all the festivals and events taking place in January and February every year.

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France Eventos

Autum Events in Avignon

Posted by spainsun on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 (17:07:18) (3923 reads)

Several events will take place in Avignon on the autumn of 2014: Luminessences in the Palace of the Popes, Medieval Crafts and Arts Workshops, Autumn Organ Festival, Avignon Blues Festival, Parcours de l'Art, Model show, Millévin, Animo Nature, Christmas Markets....

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Germany Eventos


Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Saturday, September 06, 2014 (17:44:11) (3056 reads)

The highlight of the 2014 celebration: light installation along the former course of the Wall on 9 November

As 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989.

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Germany Eventos

Berlin Highlights 2014–2015

Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 (18:34:21) (7923 reads)

Visitors who come to Berlin from all over the world have some 1,500 events to choose from every day: 25 years Fall of the Berlin Wall / First Ai-Wei-Wei exhibition in Berlin / David Bowie retrospective coming to Berlin / 300th anniversary of the birth of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

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Germany Eventos

Fall of the Berlin Wall: 1989–2014 – Special Sites

Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 (00:39:09) (10839 reads)

All about the Fall of the Berlin Wall: museums, monuments, exhibitions, sights, tours, clubs, pubs, hotels, shops... Berlin is preparing some specials events for the 25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Berlin Wall Memorial, GDR Museum, STASI Museum, Checkpoint Charlie...

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Germany Eventos

Düsseldorf - Spring in the Rhine Metropolis

Posted by REMO on Friday, April 25, 2014 (19:49:15) (3507 reads)

Be it open-air or indoor, spring in the Rhine metropolis promises top-class entertainment and exciting encounters. We are particularly looking forward to the arrival of around 4,800 athletes who will be bringing emotion, thrills and diversity to the sport city of Düsseldorf from 19 to 23 May 2014, when they engage in good, clean competition at the Special Olympics Düsseldorf. For one week, the sport venues of the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital will be the scene of gripping competitions and high emotion. Competitions will take place in 18 disciplines and there will be non-competitive sports too.

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Belgium Eventos


Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Thursday, April 10, 2014 (20:27:15) (3602 reads)

For four long years Flanders Fields was the scene of the First World War. Homes and fields were turned into a battlefield in 1914. European and wider international interests were fought over here. A million soldiers were wounded, missing or killed in action. Some tens of thousands of citizens became refugees. Entire cities and villages were destroyed. The landscape of the region still tells the story of the war. It contains hundreds of monuments and cemeteries which have great historical significance for the people of many nations. There are a lot of museums which explain in an interactive way all the aspects of the conflict: the battles, daily life, etc.

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