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Iran Monumentos y Cultura


Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Monday, March 09, 2015 (23:47:36) (5674 reads)

A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as of special cultural or physical significance. The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 UNESCO member states which are elected by the General Assembly.
There are 17 cultural sites in Iran known as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. In the following table these sites are listed in the order of the year they have been submitted.

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Iran Monumentos y Cultura


Posted by Oficinas-Turismo on Monday, March 09, 2015 (23:47:19) (5508 reads)

A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as of special cultural or physical significance. The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 UNESCO member states which are elected by the General Assembly.
There are 17 cultural sites in Iran known as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. In the following table these sites are listed in the order of the year they have been submitted.

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Iran About a Country or Place

Iran Tourism Guide

Posted by Oficinas_Turismo on Thursday, December 13, 2012 (17:32:41) (49329 reads)

From the 6th century BC until 1935, the country that today is Iran was known as Persia. The name, Iran, derives from an ancient term "a‐eer‐yanem va‐ee‐jo" in Avesta, the holy book of the Zoroastrians, meaning 'the land of the Aeers'.
This term refers to the plateau upon which the Indo‐Iranians, a branch of the Aryans, settled. By the passing of time, the term "Aeer" changed to "Er" and later to "Ir", and so the official name of the country during the Sassanid period (400‐600 AD) was Iranshatr or Iranshahr. "Shatr" or "Shahr" means country, and so, Iranshahr meant "the country of the Nobles".
Iran comprises of a land area of over 1.6 million Sq m (the 17th country in the world by land area).

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