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Fotos de Israel - Photos of Israel

Page 1 of 6

 Pictures of Travels in Israel: Jerusalem, Belen, Haifa, Nazareth, Cafarnaum, Jordan River

  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: River Jordan   River Jordan
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus of Nazareth
Go to big photo: Basilica of Announciation Cave - Nazareth   Basilica of Announciation Cave - Nazareth
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Small corner inside the basilica
Go to big photo: Mosque of the Rock - Jerusalem   Mosque of the Rock - Jerusalem
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Today you can not visit
Hoy en dia no se puede visitar
Go to big photo: Judea Dessert   Judea Dessert
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Judea is a very arid region and is considered to desert
Go to big photo: Esenias Excavation - Qumram   Esenias Excavation - Qumram
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: The Essenes were a Jewish congregation that dates back to 1500 BC
Go to big photo: Palm tree full of dates ready for harvest   Palm tree full of dates ready for harvest
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Dates are one of the products that are exported from Israel.
Go to big photo: Bedouin Village   Bedouin Village
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Lifestyle of the Bedouin
Forma de vida de los Beduinos
Go to big photo: Synagogue remains – Cafarnaum   Synagogue remains – Cafarnaum
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Some well-preserved
Algunos de ellos bien conservados
  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

If you want to Travel to Israel LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Israel: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

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