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Burkina Faso:

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 Burkina Faso pictures of my trip in the country: tribe, tribes, sahel, landscapes, africa, west africa bobo, dioulasso, river, niger, lobi, Country, Banfora, banfora, escarpment, peul, lobi

  Total Pictures: 63   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Go to big photo: Ouahigouya -Burkina Faso   Ouahigouya -Burkina Faso
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: Second hand medicines in a market. One of the guides in the Escarpment, called "Le gros" because of his size, had an inhaler that a group of French tourist had given to him and asked us what that medicine was for...
Go to big photo: Ouahigouya -Burkina Faso   Ouahigouya -Burkina Faso
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: This girl carried a tray full of oranges half peeled and when someone bought one she finished the peeling.
Go to big photo: Lanscape - Domes de Fabedougou - Banfora - Burkina Faso   Lanscape - Domes de Fabedougou - Banfora - Burkina Faso
  Author: A. De Cara 1996
  Text: Beautiful corner in the rocks landscape - Burkina Faso.
Go to big photo: Karfiguela Waterfall - Karfiguela Cascades - Banfora - Burkina Faso   Karfiguela Waterfall - Karfiguela Cascades - Banfora - Burkina Faso
  Author: A. De Cara 1996
  Text: The height of the waterfals is abut 20 meters - Burkina Faso.
Go to big photo: Waterfalls of karfiguela- Bamfora - Burkina Faso   Waterfalls of karfiguela- Bamfora - Burkina Faso
  Author: A. De Cara 1996
  Text: The landscapes below the waterfalls are fields of sugar canes.
Go to big photo: Casa tradicional de la tribu Lobi - Cerca de Gaoua - Burkina Faso   Casa tradicional de la tribu Lobi - Cerca de Gaoua - Burkina Faso
  Author: A. De Cara 1996
  Text: Traditional House of Lobi Tribe near Gaoua - Burkina Faso.
Go to big photo: Traditional House of Lobi Tribe near Gaoua- Burkina Faso   Traditional House of Lobi Tribe near Gaoua- Burkina Faso
  Author: A. De Cara 1996
  Text: Lobi Houses buildt as castles & with a special distribution inside bassed in their Animist belivings. Burkina Faso.
  Total Pictures: 63   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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