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Burkina Faso:

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 Burkina Faso pictures of my trip in the country: tribe, tribes, sahel, landscapes, africa, west africa bobo, dioulasso, river, niger, lobi, Country, Banfora, banfora, escarpment, peul, lobi

  Total Pictures: 63   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>
Go to big photo: Lobi Village   Lobi Village
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: Women putting the millet in the roof of the house, it's amazing seeing them!Some are even wearing at their backs their children, climbing up the trunk with notchs and with the full baskets on their heads.
Go to big photo: Woman -Tabaski celebration, Bobo Dioulasso- Burkina   Woman -Tabaski celebration, Bobo Dioulasso- Burkina
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: Woman from Burkina preparing for praying.
Go to big photo: Praying - Tabaski celebration, Bobo Dioulasso- Burkina   Praying - Tabaski celebration, Bobo Dioulasso- Burkina
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: Bobo dioulasso, New Year's Eve, tabaski celebration, moslen. That day they dress up, pray in the square, kill a goat and then eat it with all the family and neighbours
Go to big photo: Children - Burkina Faso   Children - Burkina Faso
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: I had never seen children with such a sad glance, they look like elderly people.
Go to big photo: Grand Mosquee - Bobo Dioulasso - Burkina Faso   Grand Mosquee - Bobo Dioulasso - Burkina Faso
  Author: E. Contreras 1996
  Text: Bobo great Mosquee - Burkina Faso.
Go to big photo: Bobo Dioulasso - Burkina   Bobo Dioulasso - Burkina
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: A street in the old part of Bobo.
Go to big photo: Fabedougou domes - Burkina   Fabedougou domes - Burkina
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: Landscape of Fabedougou dômes.
Go to big photo: Caiman - Bazoulé, near Ouagadougou   Caiman - Bazoulé, near Ouagadougou
  Author: CarlosN
  Text: The caiman was hard at work, eating chickens, one of them scaped and the other was eaten by another caiman over there.
  Total Pictures: 63   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>

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