About us

Deanna Woolf is a travel writer and expert. She is a self-proclaimed expert and mother of two . She has a lot of experience to share , deanna has worked as a  environmental educator and  so.Deanna and her family aspire to become Global Citizens and consider their house merely a base camp for trip-planning operations.

Welcome to Lisbon Photos

Lisbon is a wonderful city. Lisbon is said to be the 7 hill’s city. I’m not sure if they’re only

seven, but I’m sure it’s full of ups and downs. If you’re coming from downtown to Bairro Alto (High Neihbourhood) for a beer at night this tram can be your friend

This is one of my favorite views of the Saint Jorge’s Castle (Castelo de São Jorge). In Rossio, right next to Augusta Street (Rua Augusta) it’s quite a view to look up and see it.
This photo was taken at 3am late night in Summer. During the day this is always a crowded place and there is a lady selling flowers nearby, which provides a pleasant frame for the Castle.

Formerly known as Salazar Bridge (Ponte Salazar), 25 de Abril Bridge was named after the revolution of the 25th April 1974. It crosses Tejo river from Lisbon to Almada, in the South shore, with an extent of 2,27Km.
This suspended bridge was built in 1966 for car traffic only, nowadays it has also a trainway.

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Lisbon is a great city to view. I hope you agree. 

A growing number of people are starting to make solar panel investment decisions. It's no secret that the world is getting more expensive by the day. Oil prices are through the roof, and gas prices are expected to keep going up even more as demand grows. That means that the only way to reliably have your utility bills stay low is by having a reliable source of alternative energy. Here are some reasons why this may be the smart choice for you.

Some people might balk at the idea of investing in solar panels, simply because it seems like a fairly new concept. The fact is, however, that this is nothing new. It's been around for decades, and solar panels have been used for decades. Solar electricity has even been used in some commercial buildings to provide some much needed back-up power. Even if you don't live in a large piece of property, investing in a solar panel system can still pay off for you.

A growing number of people are starting to solar panel investment make solar panel investment decisions. It's no secret that the world is getting more expensive by the day. Oil prices are through the roof, and gas prices are expected to keep going up even more as demand grows. That means that the only way to reliably have your utility bills stay low is by having a reliable source of alternative energy. Here are some reasons why this may be the smart choice for you.