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Country Report
Camboya y Angkor: información general: Camboya (en idioma jemer: Kampuchea) es mundialmente conocido por dos razones: el genocidio de los jemeres rojos y por las extraordinarias ruinas de Angkor, capital del Imperio Khmer. Si Angkor representa el pasado, Phnom Penh, la capital actual, representa el presente y futuro de la atormentada Cam...
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Galería de Fotos de Camboya - Photo Gallery of Cambodia

  Total Pictures: 47   Pag. Indice << 1 2 3 4 5 6
< Prev. Picture   : Photos of Cambodia :  Picture Next >
< Prev. Picture  National Museum main courtyard - Cambodia
Museo Nacional patio central - Camboya  Picture  Next >

National Museum main courtyard - Cambodia

National Museum main courtyard - Cambodia: The court yard is very, I asked them to let me to take a photograph of it, not of the museum, they tell me no, and they put a man to look at me I take some wonderful pictures.

Author:   Carlos Diaz Huertas

Photos of Cambodia: Pictures of a trip in Cambodia or Kampuchea the country of the Khmer Empire: Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Angkor ruins.

  Total Pictures: 47   Pag. Indice << 1 2 3 4 5 6

If you want to Travel to Camboya LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Camboya: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

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LosViajeros.com    LosViajeros.net    Travel-Pic.net    A. De Cara 2005


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